Always in the Darkness

in darkness the people waited
enslaved in Egypt
as things went from bad to worse
to unthinkable.
how could they know
one child saved from destruction–
son of a princess, nursed by a slave–
would become their deliverer?

and you my friend
in your darkness of waiting
or sickness or death or fear
in all this uncertain season,
know this:
always in the darkness,
God prepares deliverance.


This past week, my beautiful friend Julie took her daughter for a routine checkup where the doctor found the unthinkable. Within hours their whole life had changed, and the child who they had thought was healthy turned out to be very, very sick. Sweet Taylor, only 18 months old, has an aggressive, inoperable stage-3 cancerous tumor near her spine. She will begin chemotherapy this coming week.

This morning my husband preached about the birth of Moses and the horrific circumstances in which enslaved Israel found themselves. His exhortation to us was that when we find ourselves in darkness, we must continue to fear God and obey Him, trusting that He is already at work. As he spoke, I couldn’t help but think of little Taylor and this dark place that God has called Julie’s family to walk through. I don’t know what the outcome will be, but God does, and He has a plan, and He loves Taylor and her brothers and sisters and her family more than we can ever know.

God prepares deliverance.

6 thoughts on “Always in the Darkness

  1. I loved this, Erin. Thank you so much for writing this. I thought of Julie and Taylor in every song I heard today- God is already using their struggle to remind me of His faithfulness and sovereignty, many times a day, as I cry out in tears to Him for their family.

  2. Pingback: It’s July Second. Only Five Months Till My Birthday. « Together for Good

  3. Yes God does prepare our deliverance, the scary part is not knowing how he will do it and then accepting the outcome. Like the prophets of old he delivers us “by the fire”, “through the fire” or “from the fire”. I pray that God will deliver her from the fire.

  4. Praying for your friends. 5 1/2 years ago my 6 month old baby was diagnosed with a rare cancer – retinoblastoma. It devastated my world. But through it all I have learned that God is faithful and His plan is better then mine. His grace is sufficient for today.

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