In Which Gracie is Entirely Unconvinced

Iowa finally got the message this week that it’s summer, and we celebrated today by getting out the wading pool. And by we, I mean my husband.

While I was at work, the boys spent the entire afternoon in the pool, so that by the time I got home they were pruny and wrinkled and ready to share the pool with their sister.


I got this bathing suit for her at a local kids’ consignment store, just in case we decided to take her somewhere where she could get in the water. Today was its inaugural use.


Gracie celebrated her first trip into the wading pool by making grumpy faces and spitting up a lot.


She was pretty much unconvinced about the merits of the wading pool.


But at least she had two brothers to accidentally splash her and make her cry give her lots of love and kisses! Hooray for summer!


Oh, and before anyone thinks I’m a horrible mother for putting my seven-week-old baby in a wading pool, it had been in the sun all day and wasn’t particularly cold. She was in the water for approximately ten seconds altogether. And I was holding on to her with two hands the entire time. Thank you and have a nice day. 🙂

After a nice long afternoon in the pool, the boys were pretty excited to end their day with root beer floats.



And even as I type, Gracie is ending her day with a bottle, which might not be as tasty as a root beer float, but seems to suit her just fine.

Hooray for summer days.

12 thoughts on “In Which Gracie is Entirely Unconvinced

  1. Your boys have gotten so big since I last saw them! And Gracie is a doll! You guys sure have some adorable kids! Good work on that!

  2. Ah, summer days. I’m hoping we will be getting some soon, i know i’m ready. My old guy bought this years yard toy the other day, a big ball that you somehow put the hose in and water comes shooting out from little holes as the ball flies around the yard. The old guy is very impatient for the sun so (he)the grandkids can play with it.
    Love your blog Erin, it makes me smile at least once every day. 🙂

  3. ah heck, you know i had my kids in water at that age LOL! i took them to cowan’s gap and let them crawl through sand too, it’s just a huge, fun part of summer. makes for great pictures too 😀 no matter how much sand gets in your butt crack!

  4. Thanks for the great posts everyday, believe it or not I actually look forward to logging onto facebook and seeing what your next exciting adventure will be. You are very talented and HILARIOUS. Very cute kids too. Thank you!!!

  5. Looks like the boys (no comment on Gracie’s feelings) had a great time in the pool. Yay for summer indeed! 🙂

  6. tee hee – we took Zachary to his first pool at 4 mos. 🙂 He didn’t like it too much. 🙂 He still isn’t totally SOLD on the idea. 🙂

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